Alumni Log-um

Alumni klub povezuje vse generacije naših maturantov in diplomantov. Namenjen je razvoju in ustvarjanju mreže, druženju ter vzdrževanju prijateljskih in profesionalnih stikov.

Maturanti in diplomanti ste ambasadorji našega Zavoda. Še naprej želimo biti del vaše uspešne zgodbe. Želimo izvedeti kje ste, kaj delate, kaj ste dosegli, slediti želimo vašim uspehom in vaše dosežke deliti z obstoječimi člani.

Na svetu uspevajo ljudje, ki se pogumno napotijo iskat okoliščine kakršne si želijo. Če jih ne zmorejo odkriti, jih ustvarijo sami [George Bernard Shaw]

Izpostavljena članica zime je Anastasia B. Vidovič

I am a Slovenian student studying psychology and management in Malta. Prior to moving to the island, I was doing my matriculate degree in Slovenia and spent most of my high school studying in Log-um.

I come from a multicultural family, and even though I was born and raised in Slovenia, the language overlaps and dyslexia were not much help in my schooling. I used to have such an aversion to school and education, purely because I could not keep up with the things being taught to me in class. I needed more one-on-one explanations. I needed the ones teaching me to give me time to understand, and not rush forward with the material.

Personally, I cannot imagine pulling through high school without the help of everyone working with me in Log-um. I worked with tutors for multiple subjects, everything from math, chemistry, Slovenian, biology.

I am on the way to finishing my bachelor’s degree, and in contrast to how I used to feel about ‘school’, I absolutely love it now. The fact that I am studying what really interests me is obviously a factor, but it’s also that I figured out how I study and learn best. All these years of one-on-one sessions were great and important for the exams and tests I needed to pass then but it is what I got in the long run that really makes a difference for me. I now understand how my mind works and in what way things need to be unpacked in order for me to comprehend, learn and remember them (and not just for the exam).

I am living the island life, writing, swimming, painting, and dancing tango. However, my main focus is my education, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am truly fascinated by the human brain and the biological explanations of the human psyche. I also have a great appreciation for art, which is why I spent the summer working at the 2024 Venice Biennale art exhibition.

Like everyone, I have ambitions and goals, however I do refrain from making too many plans. And in all honesty, I mainly come to Slovenia just to visit my family and friends.

I see that I needed to go, if I wanted to change or if I wanted to grow. I feel like there is a reason for me leaving all of that behind. I am seeing the world and experiencing a different life, I am broadening my horizons, and I am keeping an open mind.